
Numeracy is a strength at Ysgol Gymuned y Fali in KS1 and KS2 and is of great importance to every child’s development.  From the Reception class upwards the children are give the opportunity  to learn and practice their skills through cross curricular activities that are fun and of interest to the children.

We don’t follow a Commercial Maths Plan but the teachers carefully plan activities ensuring that all the relevant  maths skills are tough before they are used during cross curricular tasks.

There is a clear continuity and progression from class to class that allows every child to be challenged to the best of their ability.

Every Half Term, the teachers create and use colourful and interesting Maths Mats deriving from the class theme or local or international occurrences.

Annually the school arranges a ‘Maths Evening’ for parents where ideas are shared and discussed of how to help your child at home with their numeracy.

The school is proud to be consistently amongst the best in the country with maths.

 Some examples of cross curricular activities

Foundation Phase:

  • Numeracy can be seen in all areas of the Foundation Phase.
  • Measuring, timing, sort, estimation, weight are all used regularly within the daily activities.
  • Plan, measure and build a shelter.
  • Jack and the Beanstalk . Children look after money, count it and take it to the bank.
  • Build a Sunflower. Measure / shapes


  • Organise a camping night where the children are responsible for ordering the food needed for everyone.
  • £1 Challenge: Each child is given £1 and are given a week to make as much profit as possible through buying and selling goods.  Last year, over £500 profit was made.
  • Gardening: weighing soil, plan the school garden to scale.
  • Packing and weighing bags to go on holiday and finding the difference, mean, mode and median.
  • Design and build bridges to scale and testing them using Newton.
  • Countries of the world and 24 hour time.
  • Celebrate ‘World Pi Day’
  • Cooking: Weighing, measuring and use ratios.



Spencer Road,
LL65 3EU

Head Teacher:

Iolo Evans



Valley Community School © 2018. All rights reserved.