ICT plays a prominent role in the school, children from the nursery class upwards use ICT weekly. The school has enough iPads for each child within a class and also enough computers (including 10 iMac Apple). A
variety of apps and programs are used to enhance the children’s numeracy, literacy and investigative skills.

Each class in the school uses ‘green screen technology’ to film children to create videos that relate to the class theme. By year 5&6 the children edit these videos themselves. The school has a ‘dropbox’ website where this good practice is shared with the parents.

The school has been recognized locally for leading the sector with ICT.

Additional lessons for Year 2

In Ysgol y Fali we offer an after school IT Club for year 2 pupils once a week. The lessons last for one hour every Monday afternoon. These sessions give the children more confidence using basic skills. A variety of programs are introduced. As well as being fun, these sessions follow the IT framework.


Spencer Road,
LL65 3EU

Head Teacher:

Iolo Evans



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